Certain industries increase risk of breast cancer in women

Women who work in the manufacturing or service industry, specifically in bars and casinos, have a higher risk of developing breast cancer, according to a recent study. Some women may even be twice as likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer due to being exposed to cancer-causing chemicals at work.

There are several workplace areas where women were found to be more at risk for developing breast cancer. Women who work in bars, casinos and race tracks are often exposed to second-hand smoke and work more at night, which has previously been associated with hormonal disruption. The study found that women who work in these service areas are twice as likely to develop breast cancer.

Second-hand smoke emits dangerous toxins, which is why women who work around second-hand smoke have an increased risk of getting cancer. This is not the only toxic chemical that female workers are exposed to, however. Women working in the farming and manufacturing industry are exposed to many pesticides, which can increase a person’s risk of cancer.

The study found that women who worked in these industries for at least 10 years were being exposed to “toxic chemicals” that increased their risk of developing breast cancer by 42 percent.

According to the study, industries with the highest risk of developing breast cancer include agriculture, bar/gambling, automotive plastics manufacturing, food canning and metal-working. There were significant differences in which industries women are more likely to develop breast cancer. Women working in the metal-working industry have a 73 percent increased risk of developing breast cancer, while women working in the farming industry have a 36 percent increased risk.

Source: Daily Mail, “Women who work in bars, factories and casinos face higher risk of cancer due to exposure to ‘toxic soup’ of chemicals,” Jenny Hope, Nov. 19, 2012

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