Toxic Barrels

OSHA and Chemical Exposure – A Work In Progress

Several barrels of toxic

As a part of our ongoing series that looks at the dangers of chemical exposure in the workplace, this post examines how OSHA has handled this important issue.

In a previous blog, we examined the fact that OSHA had just created online tools to help address the continually-growing danger presented by chemical exposure:

“…Unfortunately, OSHA’s guidelines for chemical exposure are lacking.

A majority of the hazardous chemical exposure limits issued by OSHA have not been updated since the 1970s. The outdated exposure limits may be putting many workers at risk for suffering workplace injuries caused by working with hazardous chemicals.

To address the risks workers face, OSHA has created two web resources to help protect workers from being exposed to hazardous chemicals. One web resource allows employers and workers to identify chemicals that pose fewer risks in the workplace. This tool will help workplaces make more informed decisions on what chemicals to use and will hopefully create a safer workplace…”

Read the full post to learn more, and catch up on our previous posts about chemical exposure:

  • “Chemical exposure – even for a short time – can have devastating effects”
  • Chemical Exposure: An Ongoing Crisis